
Consumer Behaviour Towards Fmcg

Consumer behavior towards the new packaging of FMCG products. The importance of packaging design as a vehicle for communication and branding is growing in competitive markets for packaged FMCG products. This research utilized a focus group methodology to understand consumer behavior toward such products. The challenge for researchers is to integrate packaging into an effective …

Visit to Muree

2005 Going to Murree was my dream which came true. It is more beautiful than I heard about it. Weather is totally changed from Islamabad. As I visited there in April. It was too…… 2 Murree, Greenery of Pakistan I’ve got some interesting experiences in Murree. I’d love to share with you the 4 tips …

Comparing Economies

To see how well a country has developed, people mainly judge by the total GDP value, there are also many type of indicator, such as the HDI, number of mobile per person etc. In this essay I have mentioned 3 countries- Kenya, Hong Kong and UK, to see how they have developed in the past …

History of Spandex

The development of spandex was started during World War II. At this time, chemists took on the challenge of developing synthetic replacements for rubber. Two primary motivating factors prompted their research. First, the war effort required most of the available rubber for building equipment. Second, the price of rubber was unstable and it fluctuated frequently. …

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Man – a Slave of Gadgets

There was a time when man used to be self-dependent for all activities of his daily living. A pair of arms and legs used to be his assistants to perform his errands. But as the time passed by, brain-the biggest weapon, the mammoth power human has made possible the invention various easygoing gadgets to perform …

Winding Up of a Company

Winding up of Company Section 425 of the Companies Act, 1956, deals with the winding up of companies. Winding up of company is a legal procedure to dissolve the company and put an end to its life. The company ceases to be a ‘going concern’. The term winding up is defined as, ‘the process by which …

Education System in India

Education in India is seen as one of the ways to upward social mobility. Good education is seen as a stepping stone to a high flying career. Education System in India currently represents a great paradox. On the one hand we have IIMs & IITs that rank among the best institutes in the world and …

Learning V/S Cramming

Learning and cramming are two words which definitely need no introduction. But, for the sake of this session, I’ll take up the task of explicating these terms. Someone has very rightly quoted; learning is like rowing upstream, it steers us through all difficulties, but cramming leaves us nowhere. Learning means to commit to memory any …

Christianity, Islam, and Judaism

Although Christianity, Islam and Judaism are all religions that grew from the same central idea of one divine god named Abraham in the general time zone of 2500 BC, and in the holy city of Jerusalem, they are all very different from each other. Christianity, Islam and Judaism are all similar religions in some ways …

Ambition To Be a Lawyer

There are three reasons why being a lawyer is of importance to me. The first reason as to why this career is important to me is basically because the make tons of money and every one likes money I know I do and I know with a lawyer salary I wouldn’t have to worry about …

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