

What is OPSEC and Why Do We Have It What is OPSEC? It’s a process of protecting little pieces of information that might grouped together to give the bigger picture. It is also protecting critical information deemed mission essential for military commanders. It is simply denying your adversary the information that they might need to …

Midsummer by Manuel Arguilla

————————————————- TANCIOCO, MICAELA A. 12/13/11READING LOG #1LIT02 Midsummer by Manuel E. Arguilla The story is about Manong whom had encountered a girl in the mid-day of summer. At first he didn’t saw the girl. When he saw her, he got curious and started following her everywhere she go. Every detail on what the girl is …

Gulf Refinery Fire

In the early hours of August 17, 1975, a tragic disaster occurred on the Gulf Oil refinery in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. This horrific disaster took the lives of eight firefighters, and potentially could have taken more lives if it wasn’t for the help of many surrounding fire stations. The cause of the fire was the overfilling …

Language and Communication in Psychology

Through detailed consideration of one selected area of investigation evaluate the progress made by researchers in developing explanations of key aspects of the psychology of language and communication. The study of language is frequently debated in different theories of human nature. The importance of language is relevant when it to comes to the work of …

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Amy Tan: The Joy Luck Club

The novel, The Joy Luck Club by Amy Tan takes place in a couple of different places. All of Suyuan Woo’s childhood memories take place in China. After coming to America the setting takes place in San Francisco California in 1949. Also there are few different time frames. The time frames consist of the 1920’s …

Advertisement and Vice Product

When is the last time you go to order a burger in fast food shop? And recently have you ever went to a convenient store and purchased a pack of cigarette? Nowadays advertisement of fast food, tobacco and alcohol product are catchy in magazines, newspapers, TV commercials or bus stop stations and it seems these …

Child Support Enforcement: One Law Does Not Fit All

Single parents are becoming the norm these days and the government has stepped in to assist these custodial parents to make things fair. It takes two people to make a child so it seems only fair that two people support the child financially, right? I am a single mother. My daughter’s father, Donnie, and I …

Importance of Money in Sports

Man is constantly in search of new knowledge and discoveries, thus science is constantly being studied and updated with every new discoveries. The study of science has make a huge impact in our lives by helping to improve our quality of life and enabling us to make use of the knowledge of our surrounding to …

Why Metal Music Does Not Create Violence in Teenagers

Loud, aggressive, and fast, metal music has been accepted worldwide as an acceptable genre of music. Yet, some people cannot comprehend a genre of music that thrives on being the horror movie of music, and purposefully creates controversy at nearly every turn. “The media has irresponsibly finger-pointed” (Sterngold). One of the most recent examples of …

Most Valuable Things

The first thing valuable to me is God, he gives me the strength to get up everyday and want better, he gives me health, a wonderful life, a blessed mother and family. He also valuable, because he watches over me everyday and makes sure I’m ok, he made very unique and I thank him everyday. …

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