
chapter 6 and 7 test review

Thomas Edison patents the light bulb Andrew Carnegie steel tycoon from Scotland who believed wealthy had responsibility to give money away John D. Rockefeller head of Standard Oil, world’s first billionaire Samuel Gompers formed American Federation of Labor (AFL) craft union Henry Flagler develops railroads along the eastern cost, including Florida sweatshop a small, hot, …

chapters 14-20 review text

The purpose of Lincoln’s ad Johnson’s plan for Reconstruction was to encourage rapid readmission of ex-Confederate states into the Union. In 1865 a number of souther states passed Black Codes in Order to Control movement and provide a stable workforce for the plantations. The Freedmen’s Bureau provided all of the following except Protection from sharecropping …

AP Human Geography Practice Test

Compared to North American ranchers, commercial ranchers in the Pampas of Argentina, Uruguay, and southern Brazil are more likely to… (A) raise mostly sheep (B) lease their grazing land (C) rely on feedlots (D) raise livestock primarily for export (E) use practices developed by indigenous people D The Indo-European language family includes the major languages …

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Sociology: Social Control

Internalization a norm becomes a part of your personality Sanctions Rewards and punishments used in an effort to enforce social norms Four Types of Sanctions Positive, Negative, Formal, Informal Positive Sanction an action that rewards a particular kind of behavior Negative Sanction Punishment, or the threat of, in an effort to conform an individual to …

Sociology Chapter 18 (Collective Action)

Collective action Action that takes place in groups and diverges from the social norms of the situation Convergence theory -Theory of collective action stating that collective action happens when people with similar ideas and tendencies gather int he same place -Setting doesn’t’ matter -Main problem with the theory is that it is often reduced to …

Chapter 7: Business Communications

social networking capabilities have led to a fundamental change in business communication Which of the following statements is true? regularly, although it has been replaced in many cases by other tools Email is to be used for external communication offers greater speed and is less susceptible to privacy problems Compared to email, instant messaging It …


biomass fuel plant material, manure, and wood active solar heating uses collectors with moving parts to capture the sun’s energy energy conservation saves energy alternative energy energy sources that are still in development hydroelectric energy energy produced from moving water passive solar heating uses the sun’s energy to heat something directly, without moving parts geothermal …

Sociology MIdterm Martinez

Sociology the study of human behavior in society George Simmel developed the concept of “critical distance,” which refers to being able to detach from the situation at hand to view things critically verstehen understanding behavior to which people give meaning. W.E.B. Du Bois wrote in 1901 “the problem of the twentieth century is the problem …

Ch. 9-12

Language the communication of ideas through an arbitrary system of symbols used according to certain rules that determine the meaning organizes meaningful sentences syntax refers to linguistic rules governing the construction of varied. different to identify, often put in other disabilities Why is it difficult to estimate the prevalence of comm disorders? Using a hearing …

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