
Social Work & Social Welfare Terms ch 1

What is Social Work? The professional activity of helping individuals, groups or communities enhance or restore their capacity for social functioning and creating societal conditions favorable to this goal. Social Work Practice consist of? professional application of social work values, principles and techniques. what are the four techniques of social work? -Helping people to obtain …

Chapter 16 Business

“digital native” anyone under the age of 32 social media the online interactions that allow people and businesses to communicate and share ideas, personal information, and information about products and services more than ___ of online adults use some sort of social media platform two-thirds By using social media companies could share information about their …

Human Growth and Development Ch. 10

Emotional Regulation the ability to control when and how emotions are expressed preeminent psychosocial task between ages 2 and 6 such regulation is virtually impossible in infancy requires practice, maturation, and work (effortful control) Effortful Control the ability to regulate one’s emotions and actions through effort, not simply through inclination Initiative versus Guilt Erickson’s third …

Multiple Choice Questions

Staffing influences organizational performance because: its outcomes determine who will work for and represent the firm An organization’s competitive advantage is: what it can do differently from its competitors Interviewing job candidates to assess their fit with the job and organization is part of: selecting If a company’s employees have talents that would be useful …

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Chapter 2 quiz: Intro to business

Which of the following statements is true? a. All actions deemed unethical by society are also illegal. b. The concerns of what is legal and ethical do not change over time. c. The terms social responsibility and ethics should be used interchangeably. Selected: d. Companies can be both profitable and socially responsible.This answer is correct. …

AP World

The San and the Chumash were similar in that both Gathered and hunted rather than produce food Which of the following is a significant difference between the San and Chumash peoples Unlike the San, the Chumash made use of the ocean as an important source of food Which of the following first civilizations did not …


Which of the following is a subject that economists study? A. the growth in average income B. the fraction of the population that cannot find work C. the rate at which prices are rising D. All of the above are correct D. All of the above are correct (A. the growth in average income B. …

Feminist and Social Contract Theory

Lawrence Kohlberg theory of six stages of moral development Jean Piaget four stages of childhood cognitive deveolpment (sensory motor, preoperational, concrete operations, and formal operations) Sigmund Freud stages of psychosexual development (oral, anal, phallic, latency, and genital) Carol Gilligan student of Kohlberg; recognized that girls assess ethical dilemmas differently from boys. feminine approach was not …

PSYCH381 chapter 14

_____ provide reinforcements for individuals to curtail their use of substances, for example, employment, housing, or vouchers for purchases at local stores. contingency management proograms The disease model of alcoholism predicts that because of biological, psychological, and spiritual deficits,: some people will lose all control over their drinking once they have one drink. Which of …


Constitutionalism Government power is limited by law. (The constitution) There must be a balance between the power of the government and the citizen’s rights. Gentry Wealthy landowners in the countryside who pretty much controlled the House of Commons House of Commons England’s lower house in Parliament. Puritans The most reform-minded of the Calvinists. Wanted to …

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