U.S History Practice Q’s ✨

1. What effect did the enlightenment have on political thought in the colonies?
D. colonist began to question the authority of the British monarchy.
2. The Declaration of Independence elaborates on the enlightenment idea of
A. natural rights
3. Which of the following belongs in the empty box above?
B. The great compromise
4. The idea included in the excerpt from the Declaration of Independence can be attributed to
A. John Locke
5. Key decisions of the Supreme Court under the leadership of John Marshall solidified the power of the Supreme Court to
D. review the constitutionality of state and federal laws
6. The acquisition of an American overseas empire during the late 1890s created legal controversies concerning the
C. constitutional rights of the inhabitants of the new American territories
7. During the late 19th century, the above sequence of events resulted in the
A. disfranchisement of most African Americans in the south
8. Which shaded area on the map was least industrialized in the second half of the 1800s ?
D. area D
9. The railroad Building boom during the nineteenth century contributed to
D. the rapid industrialization of the United States
10. The first great awakening of the 1730s and 1740s was primarily a
B. revival of evangelical religion that spread through the colonies
11. What would be considered a significant social effect of the First Great Awakening?
D. the colonists began to challenge the hierarchical structure of existing religious denominations
12. Lord Baltimore established the Maryland colony in response to
D. discrimination against Roman Catholics in England.
13. The primary religious of the 1960 presidential election in the United Stated was
A. the catholic faith of John F. Kennedy
14. Growing anti-Catholic sentiment in the United States during the first half of the twentieth century was related to
A. increasing immigration from southern and Eastern Europe.
15. Which religious group has had the greatest increase in membership die to the increasing immigration from Latin American countries to the United States over the last fifty years?
B. Catholics
16. The first amendment to the I.S Constitution prohibiting the federal government from making any law “respecting an establishment of religion,” was one response to the
C. religious persecution exhibited by the Church of England
17. Which of the following was an effect of the publication of upton sinclair’s the jungle (1906) ?
C. in influenced the passage of the meat inspection act
18. The Americanization movement of the early twentieth century sought to
A. assimilate ethnic immigrant groups into the dominant culture
19. During the late 19th and early 20th centuries, urban immigrants generally supported local political machines that
C. provided essential service to the immigrants
20. The muckraking journalists associated with the progressive Era were known primarily for their
A. willingness to expose the corruption of U.S society
21. Fords production of model t’s in the early 20th century demonstrated the economic relationship between specialization and
B. greater efficiencies in production
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