
Significance of Gender in Romeo and Juliet

In Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, the Montagues and the Capulets have very different relationships with their children. A major reason for this, as well as much of the conflict in the tale, comes from the gender roles that Romeo and Juliet are expected to play into. Adding to that conflict is the fact that both …

Edgar Degas Paintings Comparison and Analysis

Edgar Degas has become known as one of the world’s most influential Impressionist, or Realist (the title he preferred), artists. Impressionism was one of the most important art movements in the nineteenth century and had great influences on Modern Art development. The first Impressionist exhibitions were held in 1874, but at the time, it still …

Oedipus Rex vs. Hamlet

A snake, which weaves itself throughout the veins of a family, spews its fatal venom into capillaries and infecting the soul. The poison of betrayal, despair and the disease of the psyches cloud the mind in both Oedipus Rex and Hamlet. In both instances, all characters fall victim to a shattered world, ripped apart by …

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Wizard of Oz

Wizard of Oz Interpretation The Wonderful Wizard of Oz is a story about a girl named Dorothy who experiences a cyclone that takes her to a magical land of good and bad. When she is in this land she encounters a Scarecrow, Tin Man, and a Lion. These 3 characters are with her throughout the …

The Tortilla Curtain

In Part II, Chapter 3 of The Tortilla Curtain, Delaney’s life finally feels like it is returning back to normalcy. He is preparing a barbeque on a Sunday evening in mid-August, while his wife, Kyra is stretched out by the pool relaxing, but her work still by her side. They ate their dinner and began …

Discussion on Organ Donation Shortage

Medicine has evolved since the days of bloodletting, but from the perspective of a waiting recipient on the organ donor list, we still live in the dark ages. With a list of 110,941 hopeful candidates for organ transplant, the status of organ donation as a taboo subject in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) has left …

Is the Octoroon a Typical Victorian Melodrama

The Oxford English Dictionary defines the genre of melodrama as, “a stage play, usually romantic and sensational in plot”, this description certainly applies to The Octoroon. It was an extremely popular form of stage drama and what I will discover is whether its themes, content and structure are typical of the Victorian period melodrama. From …

John F. Kennedy’s Assassination: the History and Reflection

John F. Kennedy’s assassination was, and still is, a difficult one to understand. On November 22, 1963 President Kennedy was shot twice: once in the back and out the throat, and another in the brain, with a third bullet missing Kennedy. He arrived in Dallas, Texas and started his route in an open limo. When …

Organizational Language

Organizational Language A human language is a kind of code. It functions on the basis of words which is unique verbal symbols which correspond to all the objects or ideas which the speakers of that language need to communicate to one another. It also has rules, followed habitually by its speakers, for linking the words …

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