
Normative Ethical Theories

NORMATIVE ETHICAL THEORIES Objective • Discuss the normative ethical theories L2: Normative Ethical Theories Beliefs about how people should behave can be classified into at least 2 major categories: Teleological theories (Consequentialism) Right actions are those that produce the most or optimize the consequences of one’s choices. Behaviour is ‘ethical’ if it results in desirable …

Physiological Disorders

Physiological disorders: In this assignment I am going to describe two physiological disorder in details, the details that I am going to go into is what the disorder is, signs and symptoms, cause of the disorder, physiological changes as a result of treatment and the factors influencing the development of the disorder, explain the signs …

The Arena

The Arena “We glide through darkness but the early morning kind, darkness about to lift. ” It is without discussion an adventure and an experience to have a child. Mostly a feeling of great love follows. But definitely a responsibility and fear follows. The fear of being insufficient and maybe even the fear of endangering …

Faminism in Anna Karenina

In the closing chapters of Leo Tolstoy’s Anna Karenina (Penguin Books, 2003), Dolly, Anna’s sister-in-law, reveals that “Whatever way one lives, there’s a penalty. ” This is the central message in Tolstoy’s work, a tragedy whose themes include aristocracy, faith, hypocrisy, love, marriage, family, infidelity, greed, and every other issue prevalent among human beings. Anna …

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Teaching Assistant Level 3

Assignment 2 Teaching Assistant Tracey Parkes Student Number TRA851PA Question 1 List ten important safety points for establishing a healthy, safe and secure environment. One. The individual needs, age and abilities of the children and young people. You should take any specific needs of pupils into account when setting up the environment-for example the age, …

Problem Young Adult Faced in Education Today

Problem young adults face in education today. Education is essential for everyone. It is the level of education that helps people earn respect and recognition. In my opinion, education is undeniable important for every single person. It goes without saying that education has a positive effect on human life. All people need to study. Only …

How Cleanliness Can Influence Life of Kazi Zawad Badruddoza

Whereas the cleanliness is relate well to the aspects in our life. There is some reason why cleanliness is important to our life. Cleanliness influences our health, controlling our mood and then keeps the relationship with our friends. The clothes and the pants which we wear must be clean so that no more germs that …

Pre Marital Sex

There is no longer any stigma attached to pre-marital sex in our society. Pop stars do it, sports stars do it, and politicians do it. Teens nowadays too tend to have this perception that sex before marriage is acceptable and would not even bother the consequences of it. Yet, it is still a big NO …

The Great Navigator Columbus

The great navigator Columbus Mr. Christopher Columbus (1451-1506) navigator Spain famous and pioneering major geographical discoveries in human history. He was in his youth believer in the theory of spherical Earth and not leading the famous Marco Polo every respect and appreciation, and the determination to become a navigator. During the period between the year …

Is Foreign Debt a Problem for Bangladesh?

Is Foreign Debt a Problem for Bangladesh? Part-A Foreign debt in Bangladesh Introduction: External debt is one of the sources of financing capital formation in any economy. Developing countries like Bangladesh are characterized by inadequate internal capital formation due to the vicious circle of low productivity, low income, and low savings. Therefore, this situation calls …

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