
SOC 268 Chapter 2 Quiz Questions

replacing our nation’s capitalist economic system. A radical left solution to the problem of poverty would be -raising the minimum wage. -creating equal opportunity for people to achieve according to their talents. -expanding government assistance programs. -replacing our nation’s capitalist economic system. teach children personal responsibility and hard work. Former U.S. Secretary of State Colin …

Commun Quiz#3

Repetitious stimuli, intense stimuli, and contrasting stimuli influence which aspect of perception? selection Which statement below does NOT describe how stimuli catch our attention? Subtle stimuli catch our attention. The principle of figure-ground operates in which aspect of perception? organization We often categorize people on the basis of easily recognized characteristics. But when generalizations lose …

Explain Social Learning Theory, Making Reference to Two Relevant Studies

Social Learning Theory by Albert Bandura (1977) Based on the assumption that people learn behaviors, attitudes, emotional reactions and norms through direct experiences but also through observing other humans (models) Social Learning Theory Model: 4 Factors of Learning Attention: Pay attention to the model is a condition of learning Retention: Remembering what the model did …

Psychology Exam 4 Practice Questions

In _____, a person exhibits persistently harmful thoughts, feelings, and actions. a psychological disorder David Rosenhan and colleagues conducted a study examining the biasing power of diagnostic labels. They went to mental hospital admissions offices and complained of “hearing voices” saying “empty,” “hollow,” and “thud.” This was the only complaint they reported, and they displayed …

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Topic 18

Social regulation differs from industrial regulation in that: social regulation applies to virtually all industries, while industrial regulation applies to a restricted number. The regulation of natural monopolies has been criticized because it creates a tendency for regulated firms to use too much labor and too little capital in the production process: T/F F The …

MIS 412–Chapter 6

On a typical day, approximately ________ percent of adult users in the United States logs on to the Internet. 82 Which of the following activities is the one engaged in by the highest percentage of online users? using e-mail On average, which of the following activities was most frequently engaged in by Internet users in …

Social control theory

The Criminological story so far – other sociological theories tried to explain why individuals, communities or cultures engage in crime and violate the law – Control theories on the other hand assume crime does not need a special explanation and therefore the approach to the problem of crime comes from a different perspective Shift in …

AP Psych – Sleep, Dream, Consciousness & Hypnosis

The school of thought in psychology that systematically avoided the study of consciousness during the first half of the last century was: a) psychoanalysis b) behaviorism c) functionalism d) structuralism e) Gestalt psychology b) behaviorism Consciousness is: a) the ability to solve problems, reason, and remember. b) the sudden and often novel realization of the …

Chapter 10: Race and Ethnicity

ETHNIC GROUP a social category of people who share a common culture, for ex common language or dialect, nationality, religion; and common norms, practices, customs, and history ex: Italian Americans, Japanese Americans RACE a group treated as distinct in society based on certain characteristics, some of which are biological, that have been assigned social importance. …

Human Growth and Development

Which of the following has been linked to minimized atrophy of the cerebral cortex of the brain? Education Which of the following is likely to be true of older adults who are experiencing hearing loss? They may be perceived as disoriented or forgetful. In the United States today, the average 65 year old woman will …

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